
Seemandhra Terror

Injured people – Nemmadi Venkanna and Aruna

If the Seemandhra leaders preach suicide attacks against Telanganaites, the people of that region have almost put it into practice. A dalit family from Telangana region, who were on a pilgrimage to a temple in Andhra were brutally attacked with rods. A pregnant woman, who was also among the victims, had suffered heavy injuries. This heinous incident happened at the Tirupathamma temple in Penuganchiprolu of Krishna district, just kilometers away from Telangana border. The victims had gone to the temple to perform some religious rites. A few Andhra hooligans who saw that the victims’ family vehicle had “Jai Telangana” written on it, instantly picked up a fight and started abusing them.

Injured being shifted to hospital in 108 ambulance

Reportedly, they had accused that the Telanganaites have shut down the region under the name of bandh and came to Andhra to make merry. Within no time, a large group of Andhra hooligans surrounded the victims’ family, started abusing them with anti Telangana remarks and attacked them with rods. The brutes did not even spare a pregnant woman among the family. They had pushed her to the ground and kicked her in the stomach. The entire dalit family was injured with one person’s condition said to be serious.

The leaders and media of Seemandhra which saw “an attack on Dalits” in the Delhi’s AP bhavan issue had not even responded to this incident. Seemandhra politicians, who even sensed a human rights abuse in Harish Rao’s attacks, have deliberately chosen to be silent over the attacks on Telangana dalits. If this issue snowballs and common people of both regions start street fighting amongst themselves, who will own up the responsibility?

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