
Seemandhra Officer Wrote – Send The Body to Crematorium

Why was TRS MLA Harish Rao so infuriated that he actually went and slapped the OSD of AP Bhavan New Delhi?

The Seemandhra media never tells us the truth. The same media, which did not air a single visual of Yadi Reddy’s body, has repeatedly telecast the visuals of Harish’s angry outburst.

Mission Telangana succeeded in getting a copy of that damaging letter written by AP Bhavan OSD to Delhi Police Department. He clearly asked the police to take the body to crematorium.

It is this inhuman letter that has irked the Telangana leaders belonging to Congress, BJP, CPI and TRS party.

On knowing about the tragic suicide of Yadi Reddy, several Telangana leaders air dashed to New Delhi to bring his dead body back to Hyderabad. These leaders were not allowed to see the body at Ram Manohar Lohia Hospital Mortuary. They were not even allowed into AP Bhavan and had to wait on the pavement for hours together.

Among the people who were made to wait was Supreme Court Chief Justice Sudarshan Reddy garu – who retired just this month, and Ex-MP Suravaram Sudhakar Reddy garu.

Telangana leaders demanded that Yadi Reddy’s body be brought to AP Bhavan where they wanted to pay homage to the martyr. Their idea was to keep the body for a few minutes at AP Bhavan and then take it to Hyderabad.

AP Bhavan officials initially informed that the body will be brought to AP Bhavan. And while the Telangana leaders and intellectuals were waiting outside AP Bhavan, the OSD of AP Bhavan wrote a letter to Delhi Police.

He asked the police department to take the body to a crematorium directly.

On knowing about this inhuman treatment to a fallen martyr, Harish Rao could not control his anger and slapped the OSD of AP Bhavan. How can this officer decide the cremate the body of Yadi Reddy like that of an orphan? And that too when his family and lakhs of Telanganites are waiting to catch a glimpse of his last remains?

AP state government wanted to dispose of the body of Yadi Reddy in the most heinous way. International rules say that even a enemy country soldier’s body should be respected and be handed over to the family of the deceased.

But the Seemandhra government has flouted all rules. They have stooped to such a low level and tried to dispose of the body of Yadi Reddy in New Delhi itself.


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