IT and Industries Minister KT Rama Rao inaugurated Microchip Technology India design and development centre at Kokapet in Hyderabad. Microchip Technology, incorporated and headquartered in Chandler, Arizona, is a leading provider of smart, connected and secure embedded control solutions. The company’s solutions serve more than 1,25,000 customers across the industrial, automotive, consumer, aerospace and defense, communications and computing markets.
The Minister extended congratulations to the leadership of Microchip and assured them of complete support from the government of Telangana. Speaking after the inauguration, KTR emphasized the need for a strong workforce to establish India’s presence in the semiconductor industry, acknowledging that the country is currently in its early stages compared to leading semiconductor ecosystems. The Minister expressed confidence that India would take the lead in the next decade, with Hyderabad playing a significant role.
The minister highlighted the Telangana government’s commitment to providing trained personnel, offering to train 1000 individuals at the government’s expense, with selection based on the company’s preference. The Minister also noted Telangana’s leadership in Electronics System Design and Manufacturing (ESDM) skilling.