MA&UD Minister KT Rama Rao held an interactive session with the GHMC’s Ward Level Officers. The Minister said that the 150 Ward Offices will be inaugurated on 16 June 2023 where the people can lodge their civic grievances. The pioneering initiative will take administration closer to people.
Minister KTR detailed the main functions of ward offices and job responsibilities of each of the staff members. The MA&UD Minister also said that a Citizens Charter will be released which will detail the time to redress a grievance. This will be displayed at the offices. Asserting that no other metro city in the country has implemented the Ward Office system, the MA&UD Minister expressed confidence in its success and anticipated that other cities in the country would adopt a similar approach in the future.
Addressing the huge gathering of the staff members, the Minister exhorted them to receive grievances from all platforms: in-person, social media. The Minister emphasized the importance of recording every suggestion and request made by citizens. If the staff members are unable to provide a solution to an issue, they should escalate it immediately. Each of the ward offices will have 10 staff members led by a Ward Administrative Officer.
The MA&UD Minister assured the staff that they will receive complete support until the people are satisfied with the system. Minister KTR specifically asked the Zonal Commissioners to closely monitor the system during the initial two to three months. Each ward office will have a Ward Administrative Officer, Engineer, Town planner, Entomologist, Sanitary Jawan, Community Organiser, Urban Biodiversity Supervisor, Assistant, Line Inspector, Computer Operator, and a Receptionist.