
KTR condemns police excesses on unemployed youth

Bharat Rashtra Samithi (BRS) Working President KT Rama Rao has expressed his deep anger and disappointment over the police excesses on the unemployed youth and BRS party leaders who are supporting their demands. KTR criticized the government’s handling of the situation, highlighting the excess actions of the police against unemployed youths who came to support Mothilal Nayak, who is on a fast-unto-death at Gandhi Hospital to meet the demands of the unemployed.

He condemned the lathi-charge by the police on these unemployed youth, stating that it was an abuse of power. KTR supported the right of these unemployed youth to protest and visit individuals advocating for their rights, pointing out the undemocratic nature of the police’s actions.

KTR voiced his anger over the arrest of several BRS party leaders, including MLA Palla Rajeshwar Reddy, party student wing leader Gellu Srinivas Yadav, senior party leader Rakesh Reddy, and others. These leaders were detained when they went to meet Moti Nayak at Gandhi Hospital. KTR has strongly condemned the police for preventing them from meeting Moti Nayak and arresting them.

KTR demanded the immediate and unconditional release of all the detained party leaders and youth. KTR emphasized that the government’s actions are a clear indication of its undemocratic attitude, aiming to suppress the legitimate demands and peaceful protests of unemployed youth demanding jobs. KTR urged the government to refrain from such undemocratic practices and instead focus on addressing the genuine concerns of the unemployed youth.

KTR called for the immediate release of job notifications and urged the government to begin the process of filling two lakh government jobs, as promised before the elections. KTR assured the unemployed youth that the BRS party stands firmly with them in their struggle and will continue to support their cause. He warned the government that if their demands are not met, the agitation will only intensify.