
Vulgar Anti-Telangana Protests in Seemandhra

Our National Media has started noticing the cheap and vulgar antics of Seemandhra protesters. This article appeared in Times of India:


VISAKHAPATNAM: At a time when the largely peaceful Samaikyandhra agitation has amply demonstrated the wholehearted support of the public for a united state, some bizarre and vulgar protests being carried out by certain political parties as part of the ongoing agitation have left people shocked and wondering if this was the same country that gained independence through Mahatma Gandhi’s mantra of non-violence.

A few of the antics lately being witnessed in the name of protests are clearly in bad taste and signal a new low in politics. Some of these caught on camera include making children pee on flexies featuring prominent leaders, photos of political party chiefs being tied to dogs, cats and donkeys, banners of politicos dressed as eunuchs, making effigies of political leaders dressed as women and smeared with lipstick and conducting marriages of leaders, among others. A few protests last week also saw ‘public hanging’ of politicians and effigies of leaders being burnt at the stake, with hundreds of schoolchildren being part of the agitations.

Despite such cheap acts continuing unabated in the city, leaders of various political parties have failed to contain or direct activists to refrain from such activities and present themselves in a manner befitting the people of the region.

Observing that such acts were disgusting, a senior professor of Andhra University said, “By doing such things, we are not doing any good to anybody other than spoiling our own names and that of our culture.”

Pointing out that the agitations had plumbed a new low, Prof ABSV Ranga Rao of the social works department of Andhra University, said, “Some elements seem to be resorting to such acts to get cheap publicity. Protests should be held in a decent and non-violent manner and activities that hurt people should not be allowed. Leaders should also urge their party members to behave and act in a dignified manner.”

Noting the tendency to imitate such indecent acts and try to outdo others, he said, “Some of them have the feeling that if their rivals are indulging in such vulgar activities, they should do something bigger. Sometimes the language used by leaders too leaves a lot to be desired. They don’t realize that such behaviour only diverts attention from the main issue.”

Agreeing that such acts were sadly occurring in the city as there was tremendous anger against certain leaders for betraying the people of the region, YSRCP leader Dadi Veerabhadra Rao said, “Parties should definitely warn their cadres to refrain from indulging in such activities. Agitators should feel responsible; otherwise they can’t command the respect of society. We need to fight against them, but not through unlawful means and indecent posters. We have to raise our voice in a decent way, not by behaving indecently.”

Observing that instead of creating a sense of unity, such cheap tricks were further dividing the people, MLC M V S Sarma said, “Denigrating leaders is the easiest escape route for parties with double standards. It’s part of a game to escape the wrath of people. But people will realise that all this is drama.”

Pointing out that while heads of certain parties had agreed to a division of the state earlier, he said the public backlash was now forcing them to do a volte-face and resort to such indecent acts against rival leaders to secure their status among the electorate. “This campaign of hatred and denigrating attitude will not help the movement achieve a united state but will only drive the divide deeper.”

President of Chaitanya Shravanthi, Shirin Rahman, opined, “No one is focusing on the problems of the people. They all indirectly want to come to power, which is why they are resorting to such nonsense. People are agitating because they fear the problems they will have to face related to employment, water and education and are asking about the position of parties on these issues, but instead of clearing these doubts, they are playing the blame game, which is not a healthy trend.”

Source: Times of India

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