
Prominent citizens call on Governor to demand President’s Rule

A delegation of prominent citizens of the city led by DP Reddy, President, Telangana Development Forum – India, (a worldwide Telangana NRI organisation) today met the Governor of AP, HE Shri E.S.L. Narasimham, and urged that the Governor recommend to the President of India to “instruct the Chief Minister not to make partisan statements that are affecting the tranquillity of the city and the state in general”. The delegation declared in its representation that, “a blatantly partisan Chief Minister and Director General of Police have undermined the confidence of the citizenry about their intentions and ability to maintain law and order in the city of Hyderabad which has now become the bone of contention for the Seemandhra political and business classes”.

The representation also noted that, “apart from the confrontations between the Seemandhra and Telangana government employees, some incidents of a communal nature have also been reported in the media in the past week which heightens our sense of concern”.

It also deplored the fact that, “representations of the movement are biased and weighed heavily against Telangana and all reportage has focused on falsely portraying Telangana supporters as disruptors of peaceful protests by Seemandhra government employees”.

They also expressed their deep regret that a few government employees from the Seemandhra region who have been living safely and peacefully in Hyderabad for decades now, have suddenly found cause to complain about their safety in the city while people from the Telangana region who are working and living in Seemandhra have been subjected to physical assaults by agitators.

Noting that “the birth of the new state of Telangana must not be foreshadowed by the spectre of violence and tensions between communities as this will surely affect the faith of the people in our democracy”, the delegation urged the Governor to recommend that the tenure of the DGP should not be extended and that he be replaced by individuals who are impartial. They also urged the Governor to recommend to the President of India to take appropriate action in light of the Chief Minister’s partisan decisions that were affecting the peace and tranquillity of the city and the state in general.

The signatories included Potturi Venkateshwar Rao, Prof. Madabhushi Sridhar, Zaheeruddin Ali Khan, M. Veda Kumar, Dr. Gautam Pingle, Prof. Rama Melkote, Azeez Pasha and Tadakamalla Vivek

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