Bihar MLA Manoj Manzil heaped praises on the Telangana Social Welfare Residential Educational Institutions saying that such education system, especially for Dalits, is a role model to the country. The legislator said that Telangana Gurukuls are impressive and will certainly bring changes in the lives of Dalits.
Manzil was in Hyderabad to attend the National Dalit Summit-2023 and he visited the Social Welfare Residential campus in Gowlidoddi where he learnt about the residential education in place in Telangana. “Establishing 268 gurukuls for Dalits and 1,019 gurukuls in total is a great thing. Social change is only possible through education and the Telangana government is following the footsteps of Dr. B.R Ambedkar,” the Bihar MLA said.
Manzil added that it is indeed a proud moment that students of Gurukuls are bagging seats in premier institutes across India and he appreciated the state government for spending Rs. 1.25 lakhs on each student for imparting quality education. The MLA demanded the central government to replicate the gurukul model of education for Dalits across the country.