
More IT jobs in Telangana soon, IT principal secretary Jayesh Ranjan

On an average about 30,000 to 40,000 new jobs are offered by the IT companies in Hyderabad  every year and the number would soon go up by 75,000 to 80,000, observed IT principal secretary Jayesh Ranjan.

Addressing a CREDAI conclave, he said there are about 1,400 IT companies in Hyderabad now. One IT major company has 20,000 work force now plans to increase it by 40,000 soon.

Mr Ranjan said there was lot of demand for digitisation and digital services particularly after post covid impact.

As the companies now opting for work from office, there is lot demand for office space in Hyderabad now, he pointed.

The future would be destination Telananga both for IT companies and skilled professional which was good news for the state.

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