With Chief Minister Mr KCR announcing the new Pay Revision Commission (PRC), the state government employees are in an upbeat mood. The government on Sunday issued an order constituting the new PRC headed by retired IAS officer N Siva Shankar. A unique phenomenon this time is that it also includes the Aasha workers and Anganwadi workers, contract and outsourcing workers as well. This brought cheers to a majority of the people in the state.
The commission is to submit its recommendations within six months. As an interim relief, the government has announced a five per cent hike in the basic pay of the employees. Finance Minister T Harish Rao welcomed the decision of CM KCR and thanked him on behalf of the state government employees.
According to statistics, there are a total of 2,73,512 regular employees and 2.88 lakh pensioners in addition to thousands of contract and outsourcing employees in the state.
By Gollapudi Srinivasa Rao