
Differences crop up amongst Seemandhra employee unions

The unions representing nearly four lakh employees of Seemandhra region are divided over making representation to the high-powered Antony Committee to seek redressal of their grievances over the bifurcation of Andhra Pradesh.

The differences became clear when the striking unions were called for talks by the Group of Ministers led by Deputy Chief Minister Damodar Rajanarasimha at the State Secretariat on Wednesday. When advised the GoM to make representation to the Antony Committee on the concerns of Seemandhra employees, Government Employees Association president Suryanarayana refused to do so stating that the Antony Committee represents Congress party and not the Central Government. Instead, he demanded that the GoM invite all unions of different departments who are on strike for talks.

However, the Andhra Pradesh Non-Gazetted Officers Association president P Ashok Babu has agreed to send a delegation to make representation with the Antony Committee.


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