Chief Minister Mr K Chandrashekhar Rao has greeted the tribals on the occasion of the ‘International Day of the World’s Indigenous Peoples’. Those pure-hearted tribals living in the remote forest tracts depending on nature deserved better treatment from one and all. Responding to their demand ‘Jal Jungle Jameen’ slogan, the ruling BRS party has come forward to fulfil their aspirations for self-rule in their habitations.
As demanded by the tribals “Mavo Nate Mavo Raaj” – demanding self-rule in their hamlets, the BRS government has upgraded the tribal hamlets to Gram Panchayats and allocated funds for electrification of habitations, laying roads, the establishment of hospitals, schools and offices of utility services across the Telangana state. “A total of 2,471 hamlets have been upgraded to Gram Panchayats empowering the tribals,” Mr KCR said.
The tribals in Telangana state were recently given land rights on podu lands which they have been cultivating for decades. It is a long cherished dream of tribals and the BRS government delivered it. Every effort is made by the BRS government in bringing about a qualitative change in the lives of tribals in the Telangana state, CM KCR said.
By Gollapudi Srinivasa Rao