
What Did Nehru Say About Telangana

Note: A group of anti-Telangana guys launched a Facebook group named Visalandhra Mahasabha (VMS) and have started a vicious campaign against the Telangana movement. The VMS guys also have a website, which they use to collate anti-Telangana news and views from other blogs and websites.

It beats logic as to how this bunch of Telangana-haters believe they can preach Telugu brotherhood by spewing venom against their own ‘Telugu brothers’.

Last week, the VMS guys posted an article named: The Lies Sushma and the Separatists Speak, Posted by Admin on August 9, 2011 // on their website.  Veteran Telangana activist Subhash Chandra, submitted the following rebuttal to them which they acknowledged and informed him that it is pending posting due to Administrator’s moderation.  Later Subhash Chandra found out that they were not inclined to post his rebuttal because these comments expose the lies and selective propaganda of Visalandhra Mahasabha.  Here is the rebuttal that Subhash had sent to VMS:
Dear Administrators of Visalandhra Mahasabha,
Perhaps, in your zeal to drum up support for your cause of Andhra Pradesh and against Telangana State, you have made convenient use of Nehru’s speech (text as you reported) by omitting those statements which substantiate and prove the fears and complaints of people of Telangana.  Interestingly, the statements, attributed to Nehru, you used in your article “The Lies Sushma and the Separateists Speak” of August 9, 2011, don’t at all lend any support to the idea of a united state for all Telugus.  On the other hand those statements only refer to the importance of the Nation of India at large while reiterating the insignificance of boundary demarcations of states and what areas belong to which state.  In other words, Nehru unambiguously and strongly suggested that it doesn’t matter which cities and districts are located in which state.  Therefore, The ten districts and Hyderabad city of Telangana may be reorganized into the old Hyderabad State, as recommended by the SRC, and it should not matter at all in the larger context of the Nation.  Andhras should just as well accept the new boundaries as an administrative action.  After all, it is India that matters and the new state of Telangana is still an integral part of India.  Just as Nehru said in 1956, Hyderabad belongs to whole of India and not just to Telugu speaking people only –  “You cannot tell me Hyderabad and Nizamabad to you. And Allahabad and Delhi to me.. I too have a right in Hyderabad just as you have claim to the Himalayas, Delhi and other places.”  I am sure you agree with that statement because it is part of the same paragraph that you all so painstakingly highlighted in your article.
Even more important a point I want to make here is that Nehru’s speech you quoted (as authentic) clearly acknowledges and emphasizes the fears and apprehensions of the people of Telangana in the face of impending merger with Andhra.  The fears were specific and substantial.  Those fears and apprehensions proved real, true, and prophetic, haven’t they?  And Nehru even accepted those concerns as substantial and real.  He referred to Safeguards provided to Telangana people in the Andhra-Telangana merger package.  In this context, let me quote the parts of Nehru’s speech you also quoted below:
“You may be aware of the recommendations made by the Commissions regarding the state of Hyderabad. I have repeatedly said that I was not in favor of breaking up the state because it is a flourishing province.”
“when we went into the details and the question of dividing the Hyderabad State with a part of it going to Marathwada and others to Maharashtra and Karnataka a problem came up, the problem was what to happen to Telangana. Some people felt that it should be merged with Andhra creating a greater Andhra. Others wanted that Telangana should remain separate. Both sides have their own logic. But we have to arrive at a decision with a calm mind. The Commission has recommended that should remain separate for five years and could then be merged.”
“We found that the people in the Telangana region were afraid, that a merger with Andhra would mean losses to them in matters of land tenure, Jobs, education, etc. They were afraid that the people of Andhra would walk away with all the jobs and seats in schools and colleges. If that was their fear, it had to be taken into account because ultimately the chief consideration was the welfare of the people of different regions in India and above all what is in the national interest.”
“The SRC has Recommended that a part from Raichur and Gulbarga Districts, the Marathwada districts should also be detached from State Hyderabad, The Residuary state which should continue to be known as Hyderabad, was to include the Telugu districts of Hyderabad namely, Mahabubnagar, Nalgonda, Warangal (including Khammam) Karimnagar, Adilabad, Nizamabad, Hyderabad, Medak (including Bidar District) and Munagala enclave of Nalgonda District.}”
“We met the people who were in favour of a greater Andhra and the other who wanted a separate Telangana. As I said, both sides had some logical arguments to advance. It is not that either side was wrong”
“On the other hand, there was fear in the hearts of the people of Telangana, of being displaced by the people of Andhra, Both these things had to be resolved.”
“So you may have heard of the new proposal that greater Andhra should be created with its two regions having their own separate identity and say in their development. It also envisages safeguards for the people of Telangana regarding their land, admissions of schools and colleges, language, jobs etc.”
Now you see?  People of Telangana who are demanding the demerger of Hyderabad state from AP were right in their quoting the 1956 Nehru’s speech in support of their demand.  Even if one accepts your claim that Nehru’s speech, as quoted by you, does not include a particular statement of divorce or “tallaq”, it is still evident that Nehru’s speech is both factual and supportive of Telangana (Hyderabad) State Demand.  Don’t you all agree?
The list of Administrators of this Vishalandhra Site is comprised of very well educated, literate, and accomplished individuals.  I hope that you will not shy away from posting my comments.

Jai Telangana  Jai Jai Telangana  Jai Hind
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