
We will fight until the process is completed: Prof Kodandaram

“Seemandhra rulers have discriminated Telangana ever since AP state was formed. They have done gross injustice in irrigation, public expenditure and employment. We will not allow the conspiracies of Seemandhra leaders any more. We will fight until the statehood process is completed” vowed Telangana JAC Chairman Prof Kodandaram.

He was addressing the people after unveiling the statue of Telangana Talli and also the Martyrs Memorial at Vemsur in Mahabubabad mandal.

Prof Kodandaram demanded that the statehood bill be tabled in parliament without further delay.

A huge rally was organized by local TJAC, TRS and BJP activists on this occasion.

TRS MLA Dasyam Vinay Bhaskar and local BJP leaders participated in the event.

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