
The story of Four Babus and one U-Turn

By Nagendar Chindam

After 60 long years of miserably failed experiment of Andhra Pradesh, Center has realized the importance of Telangana state formation. Telangana revolution is nothing less than any sort of great revolutions this world has seen, and is probably the most peaceful revolution of this century.

The U-turn of Seemandhra leaders proves their clear discrimination towards Telangana.

Here is the bit of analysis on what makes their partiality is clearer now than ever before. A Babu, C Babu, J Babu to K Babu – All babu’s are proven same for Telangana.

Mr. Ashok Babu, Leader of APNGOs, in a recent meeting, pointed to people of Telangana and stated that “Poddune Lesthe Maa Hotel lo Tiffin Thinaala, Poddunee Leshthe Maa school lo chaduvala, Jabbu osthe maa doctor lu chudala”. Which means that, Telangana people need to have morning breakfast in Andhra hotels and the Education has to be undertaken in Andhra Schools and even for any sickness, the people of Telengana need to visit Andhra doctor.

With respect to food, Telangana cuisine is world renowned. The centuries old legacy of Hyderabadi khana needs to proof.

His comments on education are absolute nonsense. Telangana has been always blessed with great educational institutions like Osmania & Kakatiya universities, in terms of schooling the profound Kendriya Vidyalaya’s , Grammar Schools, Missionary Schools have been part of Telengana ever since – which are obviously not at the mercy of Andhra government or the leaders. Coming to the treatment of illness with Andhra doctors, it looks like Ashok babu is not aware of the fact that Telangana already posses a well known hospitals like Osmania, Gandhi before the merger of Telangana with Andhra state.

Ashok babu is trying to indicate that Telangana is dependent on Andhra. This appears to be dogmatic and reflects his arrogance. Here, what A Babu has said is nothing new. The people of Telangana have witnessed many such arrogant statements in the past like “Meme villaku Agrivulture nerpinchamu” “Meme villani Develop Cheshamu” etc [Meaning we have taught you how to cultivate, we have developed your region], In fact Hyderabad was already prosperous state in India well before the merger, these arrogant statements by few was also one of the many reasons for the today’s Telangana revolution.

Mr. Chandra Babu Naidu, has openly proven that he is very partial to the Andhra region.
Despite being a Chief Minister of united state for 9 years, his ignorance on Telangana makes it clear on ‘How Telangana people are treated as second class citizens/ignored in their own land’. The simple thing to understand is that Chandrababu Naidu being the ex CM and the current leader of opposition has not expressed solidarity to Telangana struggle even when it is at its peak. He did not express solidarity for loss of thousand lives and the “Sakala Janula Samme” – 42 days of strike that halted transportation, government activities in the region.

Today, he is expressing his deepest support for Samaikyandhra Movement. He has even gone to the heights of partiality by expressing that he is unable to sleep by thinking of Samaikyandhra movement in Seemandhra region. Does that mean he was sleeping tight during the Telangana movement?

Mr Jagan Mohan Reddy, clearly expressed his views at the time of formation of YSR Congress Party that he and the party has huge respect towards the Telangana sentiment, and said that they don’t have strength to either stop the formation of Telangana state or to grant the state – it is the center which has to decide on it.

Once the centre announced their decision, as like any other Seemandhra leader Mr Jagan  too has taken a U-turn on his stance on Telangana. He completely ignored the sentiments of T people and is now desperate to organize Samaikyandhra sabhas. Now the people of T region are wondering, on what basis YSRCP is now  trying to stop the Telangana formation.

MR Kiran Kumar Reddy, the current chief minister of Andhra Pradesh, he was always said that he will abide by the Congress high command decision. He said in many public meetings that Telangana is not in his hands but the High Command is keenly analyzing the issue, will be taking the decision at appropriate time.

When appropriate time has arrived and when CWC announced its decision, he started supporting openly the Samaikyandhra movement and expressed his anti-Telangana thoughts. He says there would be water war between the states if Telangana state is formed – then what about the fair share of water that Telangana farmers should get?

When water sharing between the countries is possible, then how come water sharing between the two states becomes a problem? Why he has not opposed the moves of High Command openly before? why this U-turn now?

With the latest drama’s of all these babus, Centre must have very clearly understood what was happening in the united Andhra Pradesh with the people of Telangana. They can easily decode the conspiracy of United AP, they can now imagine the importance of their decision in the formation of Telangana state.

The common man in the both regions feels the importance of bifurcation; it’s only few Bada Babu’s [Big U-turn leaders!] who are opposing it.

Separation leads to the development of both the regions, that the Vizag, Ongole or Vijayawada has bright chances of becoming major cities in South India. But unfortunately, some Seemandhra oppressors want to continue their oppression, ignoring the importance and benefits to the common man.

All the Bada babu’s who are opposing the state formation must realize the importance and accept the decision of the centre with a broad mind.

People of Telangana firmly believe that just because of few selfish individuals, the formation of Telangana State will never be stalled by the union government.

29th State of India is not really far away.

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