
T-Congress whimpers, when the need is to roar with outrage

By: JR Janumpalli

The face saving deal between T-Cong MPs and their high-command on the eve of FDI voting has resulted in an uncalled for all-party meeting on Telangana. Everybody knows that at this stage, with the background of all the happenings since the momentous 9 December, 2009 Telangana State declaration, the all party meeting has become redundant. It is an episode of Congress party’s never ending political persecution of Telangana.In all probability; it would be an exercise in futility, except providing some run-of-the-mill political grist to analysts. The talking point is the verbosity of the deposition of TDP and YSRCP in the all-party meet on Telangana state, as if it is going to make a material difference to the outcome. Everybody knows that the decision on Telangana State does not necessarily hinge on the opinions of these parties. This is only an engineered facade of Congress party to obfuscate the situation and keep Telangana issue on the backburner indefinitely. The Congress party and these two parties together are capable of indulging in insouciant insinuations on each other and come out of the meeting confounding the people at large with their political rigmarole. The real reason behind the indefinite intransigence on Telangana declaration is the obtuse reluctance of Sonia Gandhi and the mortal fear of her by the T-Congress elements. Thus, literally at this stage the insensitive and imperious Sonia Gandhi and the timid and servile T-Congress have become the actual barriers to the realization of Telangana State dream.

Among the T-Congress elements, the MPs did something tangible but, it was not enough. Although they kept the campaign going, they were woefully stranded in the middle because of the treacherous non-cooperation of their other colleagues. The T-Minsters and MLAs had played and are still playing a very detestable and sabotaging role against the formation of Telangana State. That is making all the difference. The T-Congress missed several epoch making opportunities in the formation of Telangana state because of their lack of political acumen and subservient attitude. With their attitude they have not only harmed the interest of the people of Telangana and also have caused a great deal of loss to their own party.

In the aftermath of Telangana declaration in the Parliament, when Andhra Congress and TDP staged an unscrupulous revolt against the Congress decision, the T-Congress did not counter it with all its numbers. It would have been a very legitimate political act and would have saved the situation for Congress party and have helped Telangana people to get their long cherished demerger of the state. Though there would be some hiccups for Congress Party because of Andhra Congress, if T-Congress stood their ground and exhibited some political dexterity, Telangana State would have been a reality. The Congress party would be ruling the roost in Telangana and would be in a far more better shape today, to deal with TDP and YSRCP in Seemandhra.The credibility which otherwise had taken a severe beating on its volte face on Telangana state would be increased and helped Congress elsewhere in the country also.

In addition, in the last 3 years, T-Congress folks had got several opportunities to challenge the Congress party leadership and to force the party to implement Telangana state declaration. But the T-Congress did not have the gumption to stand up to it and have floored the potential chances. The last assembly session also provided a chance but our legislators did not use it as usual. Moreover they have gradually transformed in to stooges to Andhra government for political pelf and became ‘mill stones around the neck of Telangana’ and supported them in disrupting the formation of Telangana State.

The hapless T-MPs, who are severely hamstrung by the noncooperation of their own minister and MLA colleagues in the state, though had staged some bold protests, they could not convert them in to decisive events. Their trading of the voting for FDI for the superfluous all-party meet is the recent event of such kind. There also they have transgressed from their earlier stand of taking a call after December 9, 2012. It has helped Congress party to continue its procrastination. The Ministers and MLAs are making some prattle on the outcome of the all-party meet but, they appear to be not very serious on it.Only the MPs are evincing more interest on the meet and are giving some indications of acting serious on the outcome of the meet, if it is not positive.

But, as we see the ground realities and the mood of congress high-command, the outcome of the meet may not be breaking ground. Congress Party is still in the mode of political persecution of Telangana. Though the group of MPs is expected to do something drastic it may not be enough to serve the purpose. It can only be a whimper again, as it was earlier many a times. What we need is a thundering roar by the combined T-Congress at the ignominious attempt of aborting Telangana declaration by Congress high-command, not the pathetic whimpers.

The time is running out. If a positive decision is not taken and a bill is not introduced in the ensuing budgetary session of parliament, the issue may well be going out of the term of this UPA government. Telangana people need to do it all over again. Although Telangana sentiment, because of the treachery of both Andhra and Central governments has burgeoned very deep and wide in the region as never before, it could be an herculean task, as we all know the vagaries of elections and their dicey results. The YSRCP which is running on the crest of extravagant populist schemes of YSR , the sympathy of his death and the imprisonment of Jagan can play havoc in Telangana region also. Added to this the local issues, caste overtones, disgruntled splinter groups ,traditional vote banks, money, muscle etc., also can play some spoil sport in the assembly elections. The post poll alliances and other coalition uncertainties also can affect the outcome.

Therefore resolving the issue before the elections in time to complete the formalities during the term of this government would be in the best interest of Telangana. It would be a better proposition for the Congress Party also in the next elections. But the current paradoxical tendency of Congress high-command does not suggest that positive path, if T-congress placidly follows the dictates of their high-command. Their lopsided loyalty to their high-command will bring them to the cross roads of their political career. Either they have to be with their party and meet their waterloo in the general elections making Telangana state harder to get, or, form into a monolithic forum and challenge their high-command to implement the declaration of Telangana State and revive their political careers and increase the stock of their party. In the event of not able to make their high-command to heed to their demand they should en bloc come out of the party and throw their weight with Telangana people to fight Congress and other Andhra parties inimical to Telangana.These are the two alternatives that are available for these people. What route they take is in the realm of their option. But continuing their servility to their high-command will herald the political doom of themselves and their party in the region. It is time to make their choice.

The last three years have amply proved that, their halfhearted whimpers will not achieve anything. It is time to roar with outrage in one voice and thwart the ignominious attempt of Congress party to abort Telangana State declaration made in the Parliament.


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