
T-Cong MPs to stay away from parliament

By Omer Farooq

Even as Telangana issue continued to rock the Parliament and the two members of Telagnana Rashtra Samiti stalled the proceedings of Lok Sabha on Wednesday, the unhappy Congress MPs from Telangana region have decided to continue their boycott of Parliament.

The 8 Congress members of Lok Sabha, who were suspended from the House for shouting pro Telagnana slogans in Lok Sabha last week, met in New Delhi at the residence of senior leader K Keshav Rao today and decided to stay away from Parliament till the center makes a favourable announcement on Telangana state.

“We will continue to boycott the session till center comes out with a favourable statement”, said Madhu Yashki, one of the Telangana MPs.

They took the decision even as the Congress high command was trying to cool their frayed tempers. Union Minister and party observer for Andhra Pradesh Vylar Ravi met the Telangana MPs today to persuade them to attend the Parliament and not to stall the proceedings. However the meeting apparently failed to end the deadlock.

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