
Seemandhra Govt Attack on Telangana: Live Coverage

Photo: An RAF person stands guard at LB Stadium

7:30 PM: Constable Srinivas admitted to Global Hospitals for treatment. TRS MLAs Harish RAo, MP Vivek and others visit him.

7:00 PM: Constable Srinivas Yadav files complaint at Saifabad Police Station against the Seemaandhra goons and constables, who tried to kill him at APNGOs

5:35 PM: Prof Kodandaram and other JAC leaders visit OU JAC leader D Balaraj in Care Hospital, who was assaulted by Seemandhra goons at APNGOs meeting

4:40 PM: Police encircled TNGO bhavan

4:00 Student jumps from Nizam Hostel. Greviously injured

1:50 Burgula’s family members bash the APNGO’s decision to name the meeting premises after Burgula Ramakrishna Rao

1:40 Tear gas firing continues in Osmania University. Police barges into student hostels

1:30 Police are allowing all people without any ID cards. Even families are allowed.

1:10 Persons with fake ID cards allowed into LB Stadium

1:00 Gazal Srinivas allowed into LB Stadium by IPS officer PSR Anjaneyulu inspite of court orders not to allow anyone other than employees with ID cards

12:30 Govt Officially Giving TV Telecast Feed from LB Stadium For All TV Channel

12:15 Jai Andhra Leader Sriramulu and Telangana Singer Goreti Venkanna arrested in Ongole

12.00 TNGO’s Decided They are not accepting Common Capital, after this incidents

TJAC emergency meeting at TNGO bhavan

APNGO’s Brutually Attacks OUJAC Leader Balaraju Yadav at Basheerbagh – Stunning Visuals

10:05: Prof Kodandaram condemns the brutal police attack on Nizam College hostel

10: 00 AM: Police push media personnel out of Nizam College Hostel

9: 50 AM: Several students sustain serious injuries in police attack on Nizam College Hostel.

9: 40 AM: Police brutally drag students out of Nizam College Hostel, undress them and then hit them with lathis before bundling them into police vans.

9: 40 AM: Police attack Nizam College Hostel while students were having breakfast, they throw away the plates & arrest students! Shame AP Govt!

9:30 AM: Telangana students say they would slice their wrists with glass if police don’t leave Nizam College Hostel premises immediately

9: 25 AM: OUJAC leader Krishank arrested at Nizam Hostel

9: 20 AM: Armed police raid Nizam College hostel and arrest several students.

9:15 AM: Hundreds of Telangana students gather at Nizam college. Clashes between police & students

9: 00 AM: Situation tense at Nizam college as students demand police should leave campus.

8: 00 AM: Police raid Nizam College, lock up students inside rooms.

7: 00 AM: Buses bringing people to LB Stadium from Seemandhra are being allowed up to Public Gardens. During Telangana meetings, no vehicle was allowed into the city. Partiality everywhere!

6: 00 AM: If the teenage kids getting down from special trains arranged by AP State govt are called NGOs, then we cant help but pity the APNGO organizers.

5: 00 AM: AP High Court said only govt employees should be allowed to today’s meeting. But police say tokens issued by APNGOs would be considered as id cards. This is heights of partiality. How can tokens, that are distributed to lakhs of Seemandhrites by meeting organizers themselves, serve as govt id cards?

4: 30 AM: Police provide security to vehicles ferrying people from Seemandhra districts. Compare this with what they did during Telangana meetings!

4: 00 AM: By bringing people from only 13 Seemandhra districts, APNGOs are only proving what Telanganites have been saying for long – that Samaikyandhra movement is limited to only non-Telangana districts.

3: 00 AM: A drunk Seemandhra guy attacks a police constable at LB Nagar X Roads

2: 00 AM: Police raid a hotel in Ameerpet and arrest three Seemandhra guys, who came to attend APNGO meeting, along with sex workers

1: 00 AM: RTC depots in 10 Telangana districts closed.

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