
Opposition slams Congress for indecision on Telangana

The Congress was only delaying a decision on Telangana by announcing that CWC would take the final call on the statehood issue, Opposition parties in Andhra Pradesh today said.

“Why the Congress Working Committee (CWC) has not taken a decision so far, when such a massive agitation is taking place? Did Congress convene CWC to take a call on important issues like FDI? They even bypassed Parliament to issue an Ordinance on food security. Does Congress have any responsibility,” state BJP president G Kishan Reddy asked, adding that his party would organise protests against the Congress’ attitude to the issue.

Condemning the delay in taking decision on the issue, Telangana Joint Action Committee (JAC) chairman M Kodandaram said they would intensify the agitation for statehood.

TDP MLA A Revant Reddy too accused the Congress of resorting to delaying tactics, while TRS floor leader in the Assembly E Rajender said his party would continue its efforts to realise the statehood demand while criticising the delay.

The decision on the vexed issue was deferred today with the Congress announcing that final decision will be taken by the CWC. [PTI]

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