
Naidu threatens Sonia with assassination

After doing all kinds of dramas on Telangana statehood, Chandrababu Naidu has committed the ultimate sin. Speaking to Deccan Chronicle, Naidu threatened that Sonia Gandhi would be assassinated like Rajiv and Indira, if she went ahead with Telangana formation.


Image: Screenshot showing Naidu’s threat to Sonia

These words, coming from a leader, who has served as a Chief Minister of AP for nine years, and who himself has survived an assassination bid, took everyone by surprise.

Political observers feel that this threat is a result of Naidu’s frustration. His TDP party is facing a bleak future in both Andhra and Telangana due to Naidu’s frequent flip-flops.

These senseless comments would only further dent Naidu’s image both in the state and at the national level.

The Congress leaders and cadre in the state are already seething with anger over Naidu’s comments on Sonia Gandhi.

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