
Kiran government puts Telangana leadership in jail

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The state government continued its desperate tactics on the Telangana statehood movement by foisting false cases on movement leadership and sending them to jail.

Prof Kodandaram, TRS MLAs Eetela Rajendar, Jupalli Krishna Rao, Ex MP Jithendar Reddy, TGO leader Srinivas Goud are currently being sent to Mahabubnagar jail. Cases were filed on these leaders for participating in Telangana Sadak Bandh. The Alampur court ordered that these leaders be kept in remand till April 4th.

TRS supremo KCR condemned these arrests and blasted the state government for this arrogant behavior. KCR called upon Telangana people to conduct protest on these illegal arrests tomorrow.

TRS MLA Harish Rao said that Telangana leaders cannot be silenced by foisting false cases. He said the leaders would even make the jails reverberate with Telangana slogans.

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