
Its a ‘TUF’ Fight Ahead!

Major political parties and various organizations from Telangana are seriously contemplating to come under one umbrella in the form of the ‘Telangana United Front’ (TUF) if central government does not concede to the demand for separate statehood by the first week of June. Keeping all their political differences aside, MLAs, MPs and other representatives of Telangana region will resign to their seats and join TUF to continue the fight for the separate Telangana.
Senior Congress leader and Rajya Sabha member, Mr K. Kesava Rao is said to be the mastermind behind this major political development. Sources say that Mr. Keshava Rao met leaders from Telangana like Mr KCR (TRS), Mr Suravaram Sudhakar Reddy (CPI), Mr Nagam Janardhan Reddy (TDP), Mr Bandaru Dattatreya and Mr Ch. Vidyasagar Rao (BJP) and discussed the modalities to float ‘TUF’ to fight for the statehood cause.
Discussions were also held with various organizations of Telangana such as Telangana Lawyers’ Association, Telangana Doctors’ Association, Telangana Engineers’ Association, Telangana Teachers’ Association, Telangana Government Employees’ Associations and sources report that all the organizations have agreed to the proposal of coming under one organization to fight for Telangana.
The plan is to cause a major political crisis among the major political parties to prevent some parties from creating obstacles on account of their reservations about the statehood demand.

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