With surplus power and water supply, Hyderabad city remains unbeatable and surpasses all other metro cities in the country. The 19th electric power survey of India by the Central Electricity Authority revealed that the power consumption in Hyderabad city is 27.200 million units which is the highest in the country compared to Mumbai, Bangalore, Chennai, Pune and Kolkata cities.
Similarly, the state government has made foolproof arrangements for a drinking water supply that is enough for the next 100 years. Chennai city falls short of 160 mgd, Bangalore 87.99 mgd, Mumbai 139.68 mgd and Delhi falls short of drinking water by 73.59 mgd. The Hyderabad city emerged as a power island in 2015 and a grid has been put in place. Even when the power fails all over the country, the power supply in Hyderabad does not fail and it will switch over to alternate ways ensuring uninterrupted power supply in the city.
The drinking water supply has been made foolproof in Hyderabad city. The 15 TMC capacity Kondapochammasagar and 50 TMC capacity Mallannasagar which are nearer to Hyderabad city can cater to the population even if the city extends for another 50 to 60 kilometres. Arrangements were made diverting Krishna and Godavari waters for the drinking water needs of city dwellers. The sufficient power and water supply is expected to boost the massive industrialisation and real estate boom in Hyderabad city, the survey report indicated.
By Gollapudi Srinivasa Rao