
Has corruption increased in Telangana? Recent ACB raids suggest so

It appears that the change of government in Telangana has brought a sea change among government employees. In the past few months, officials have been openly demanding bribes from the public to permit and sanction various government-related works.

The recent instances of Anti-Corruption Bureau (ACB) raids across the state indicate that corruption has reached its peak in Telangana. Despite regular ACB raids, corruption continues unabated, and every day, ACB sleuths are apprehending officers from various government departments. While these are just some of the reported incidents, there are likely thousands of such incidents that go unreported.

The demands for bribes include granting house construction permission, new transformer connections, land registration, and processing pension bills, to name a few. In addition to catching government employees red-handed while accepting bribes, the ACB is also nabbing officers who have amassed huge wealth and booking them under disproportionate assets cases.

The ACB is raising awareness and encouraging the public to report instances of corruption by dialing 1064 or by sending details to