The state government wants to keep the cost of dewatering the Hussainsagar below Rs 10 crore. The irrigation department’s idea of using high pressure pumps to flush out the water and slush is likely to be the technique of choice.
However, no agency appears to know the timetable for emptying the lake. The recent rains brought two feet of water to the lake and hampered the dewatering.
Now, the lake level has decreased by one feet despite weirs and sluices being opened to let the water out. On Friday, the water level decreased by 6 cm, and now stands at 513.14 above mean sea level.
Repairs on the sluices can be carried out only when the water level decreases further. Government sources said the new idea was use to five 125-HP motors to pump out the water. Officials are waiting for as much water as possible to be drained out of the tank through the weirs and sluices before bringing in the motors.
One of the pumps is proposed to be set up near the Ambedkar statue. Officials expect it will take a month to drain the water, and are awaiting a nod from the Chief Minister to prepare a timetable.
Meanwhile, a private agency from New Delhi has submitted a Rs 100-crore proposal to clean the lake without dewatering it. No call has been taken on this.
Currently, the four sluices of the lake are being repaired. The sluices opposite Marriot Hotel has been dug up as well as a weir near Lumbini Park.
Source: Deccan Chronicle