
Conduct Narco-analysis to Naidu & Chiddu: Harish Rao

TRS MLA Harish Rao said that Narco-analysis test should be conducted to both Chandra Babu Naidu and P. Chidambaram to determine who was lying about the secret meeting that happened between these two leaders.

Harish said that the latest expose proves beyond doubt that it was Naidu who stalled the formation of Telangana.

TJAC chairman Prof. Kodandaram termed both Chandra Babu and chidambaram as “partners in crime”. He demanded the Telangana TDP leaders to come clean on this issue.

Senior TRS leader and Ex-MP Boinapally Vinod Kumar said that Chidambaram’s statement exposed the true colors of Naidu. He urged the Telangana TDP leaders to step up pressure on Naidu and ensure that TDP gives a fresh letter of support to Telangana statehood.

Ramesh Chennamaneni, TRS MLA from Vemulavada issued a statement saying that the leaders of Telangana should realize the true colors of some leaders at least now. He demanded the union government to initiate the state formation according to Article 3 of Indian Constitution immediately.

Independent MLA Nagam Janardhan Reddy sought to know why Chandra Babu had to meet Chidambaram in secret. He demanded that Naidu should immediately reveal what transpired in that meeting.

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