
Bayyaram – The Gold Mine For Telangana

Like most backward regions in the world, Telangana region is also rich in several mineral resources. One of the several issues providing a fillip to the separate state movement is the indiscriminate plunder of these mineral resources.

Bayyaram Iron Ore is one such valuable resource, which, if utilized correctly, can provide a great boost to the development of future Telangana state.

The Telangana movement has successfully thwarted an attempt to plunder the Bayyaram Iron Ore by late YS Rajasekhara Reddy’s family.

Bowing to pressure from several Telangana groups, the state government has scrapped the controversial mining lease GO issued to Rakshana Steels owned by Brother Anil Kumar (Son-In-Law of YSR)

Photo: Bayyaram Iron Ore Mines

The Bayyaram mines span an extent of about 1,41,725 acres (56,690 hectares) across Khammam district covering Bayyaram, Garla, Nelakondapally and in some mandals in Warangal district.

The area is estimated to hold reserves of about 3.4 lakh tonnes of iron ore. The market value of this ore is estimated at about 14 Lakh Crores.

Photo: CPI ML New Democracy Rally in Khammmam town demanding establishment of Steel Plant at Bayyaram

Telangana activists are now demanding that a Public Sector Steel Plant be constructed near Bayyaram so that the valuable ore can be used to generate various forms of steel. Bayyaram has several advantages on its side. Coal – an important raw material for steel production is available at Illendu, which is just 24 Km away. Dolomite – another important raw material is available at Madharam, located at about 15 Km from Bayyaram. Water necessary for the steel plant can be drawn from Pakhala lake or Otteru and Alugeru streams located nearby. While a modern integrated Steel Plant has a captive power plant, any extra power requirement can be met by the KTPS power plant in Palvancha located about 75 Km from Bayyaram.

The plant will generate employment to thousands of tribals in Khammam and Warangal districts. It will also fetch thousands of crores of revenue to the government every year.

The CPI ML New Democracy party, which is an active constituent of Telangana Political JAC and is very active in the Telangana movement conducted a massive rally in Khammam yesterday demanding the establishment of a Steel Plant in Bayyaram.

Telangana movement should also concentrate on issues that form the core of the statehood demand. Since utilization of natural resources for the benefit of Telanganites is an important dimension of the statehood demand, Telangana leadership should launch an intensified struggle for Bayyaram Steel Plant.

We should remember how the Seemandhras have agitated for the Visakha Steel Plant under the slogan “Visakha Ukku, Andhrula Hakku

A similar slogan should now be coined – Bayyaram Ukku, Telangana Hakku.

Mission Telangana urges the Telangana Joint Action Committee to draft an action plan to this effect.

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