Chief Minister K. Chandrasekhar Rao on Wednesday ordered construction of two towers of 24 floors each on Osmania General Hospital (OGH) premises. At a marathon meeting to review functioning of the Medical and Health Department that lasted for seven hours, Mr. Rao said the towers should come up without disrupting the functioning of the hospital.
He said Osmania, Gandhi and Niloufer hospitals in the city should be upgraded to 2,000-bedded facilities and a new building should be constructed for Niloufer. He also wanted setting up of Primary Health Centres (PHC) for a population of 20,000 to 25,000 and area hospitals in every Assembly constituency to cater to 100 villages.
PHCs should be converted into 30-bed hospitals and area hospitals into 100-bed hospitals, while district hospitals should be made super-speciality ones. District hospitals should not be restricted by revenue district, but should function by geographical expanse. Mr. Rao noted that the government hospitals were working under the supervision of different departments and so was the manpower. He said they should also be brought under one umbrella, and full scale manpower should be given for hospitals in rural and tribal areas. He also sought to know why doctors were unwilling to work in rural areas.
The meeting was attended by Health Minister C. Laxma Reddy, Chief Secretary Rajiv Sharma, Principal Health Secretary Suresh Chanda, Bhongir MP B. Narasaiah Goud and Parliamentary Secretary G. Kishore.
Source: The Hindu