
Writing is on the wall for BJP’s Rajagopal Reddy

The writing is on the wall – well literally and figuratively for the Munugode BJP candidate Komatireddy Venkat Reddy. Taking a dig at Rajagopal Reddy’s quid pro quo with the BJP, wall posters have cropped up in the constituency as the campaign for the by-poll has begun.

‘Contract Pe’ wall posters depicting a design similar to Phone Pe transactions are catching the attention of the Munugode voters and reminding the people how Rajagopal Reddy’s selfish reasons have invited a bypoll. The wall poster reads Rajagopal Reddy received a contract of Rs. 18,000 Crore from the BJP with and satirically mentioned the transaction id as “BJP18THOUSANDCRORES.”

Recently, Rajagopal Reddy openly admitted on a television channel that contracts worth Rs. 18,000 cr were awarded to him just before he switched his loyalties to the BJP from the Congress.

Now, this whopping amount is the talk of the town. The ruling TRS has been successful in exposing Rajagopal Reddy’s shabby deals with the BJP. And the party cadre, both offline and online, are leaving no stone unturned to convey to the electorate of Munugode how Rajagopal Reddy’s greed is the sole reason for another election.

The mood of Munugode is clear with Rajagopal Reddy facing fresh embarrassments each passing day and he is staring at an imminent defeat.

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