
They braved bullets for Telangana

Photo: Konda Surekha hurling stones on Telangana activists

Photo: Telangana students fighting back seemandhra goondas

Two long years have passed since that eventful day when the courage of Telangana students forced the united AP leader YS Jagan to beat a hasty retreat. It was the day that showed the power of Telangana students to the Seemandhra leaders and their stooges like Konda Surekha. Even today, many Seemandhra leaders shake to set their foot on Telangana soil. Mahabubabad (Manukota) continues to inspire Telanganites.

It is said that Bhagat Singh got a fistful of soil from Jallianwala Bagh massacre site. Today, people of Telangana bring home stones from Mahabubabad Railway Station as souvenirs of fighting spirit.

And Telanganites are happy that Manukota has taken its revenge as YS Jagan is jailed exactly on the second anniversary of that incident.

We at Mission Telangana thought that it is time to remember those valiant student soldiers who braved the bullets of YS Jagan’s henchmen.

1) Bhuma Mudhakar

He did his MA, BEd from Kakatiya University. He came to Mahabubabad Railway Station along with other students on may 28th 2010. He suffered two bullet injuries. His treatment costed 4 lakhs and he incurs a cost of Rs 4000 per month on medicines.

2) B.Paul Raj

Photo:  Paul Raj injured in firing

Recent photo of Paul Raj

He was shot by gunmen of Konda Surekha and Konda Murali. He suffered a serious injury to his left eye and lost his vision in that eye.

Paul Raj is currently pursuing his degree in Warangal.

3) Diddi Venkatesh: He hails from Mahabubabad. He suffered a bullet injury in the thigh.

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