
The True Story of India’s First ‘Separatists’

By Konatham Dileep


– Who were the first ‘separatists’ of India?


– Which state was ‘born in a womb of violence’?

– What kind of ‘peaceful’ struggle led to formation of Andhra state?
– What was the actual purpose of Potti Sreeramulu’s hunger strike?
– Is there a conspiracy behind Potti Sreeramulu’s death?
– How were people ‘brain washed’ during the separate Andhra movement?
– What kind of ‘non-violent’ methods were used during Jai Andhra Movement of 1972
– How many statues of great leaders were toppled in the Seemandhra region?
In short, do the Seemandhra leaders have any moral right to brand our agitation as violent, while they themselves have a long history of perpetrating violence of the worst kind?
Today, the Seemandhra leaders and intellectuals are leading a smear campaign against the peaceful Telangana movement. They are alleging that this movement is ‘violent’. The fact is, except for a few sporadic incidents, the Telangana movement is one of the most peaceful movements in the world. And it is the Seemandhra region which is notorious for violent agitations.
Right from the first Andhra state movement of 1952 to the current day ‘Samaikyandhra’ movement, the Seemandhra leadership has unleashed horrible violence.
Starting today, Mission Telangana will publish a series of articles which will expose how the ‘Pot is calling the Kettle black’. These articles are well researched and backed by solid documentary proofs. They are not like the fake concocted stories that appear in Seemandhra media.
Get ready to read the explosive expose that starts from today. These articles bring out the dark secrets behind the people who are running a false propaganda on Telangana movement. These articles, contain irrefutable evidence and will prove once again the deceitful nature of Seemandhra leadership.
Note: The purpose of these articles is not to justify violence in any form,  but to expose the hypocrisy of the Seemandhra leadership.
Read the First Part of the “Andhra Leaks” series here: Andhra State Is Born in a Womb of Violence!

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