
Telangana Teachers Ready To Teach A Lesson

Pic: MLC Chukka Ramaih along with leaders of Telangana Teachers JAC

The movement for a separate Telangana state has received a huge boost with 23 Teachers Unions representing about 1.5 lakh government teachers forming a Joint Action Committe for Telangana. They have initiated a series of protest programs in the past couple of weeks.

Yesterday, the Telangana Teachers JAC organized a one day deeksha at Indira Park. Thousands of teachers from Telangana region attended this deeksha.

TRS MLA Harish Rao, rebel TDP MLA Nagam Janardhan Reddy, MLC Chukka Ramaih, balladeer and Telangana Praja Front leader Gaddar visited the Deeksha camp and extended their solidarity to the teachers.

TTDP leader Errabelli Dayakar Rao had to beat a hasty retreat from the deeksha venue as teachers booed him and showed slippers. They raised slogans against the TDP’s “two-eye” stand on Telangana.

Even TV-9 Channel DSNG van and its reporters were sent packing as a protest for the channel’s anti-Telangana propaganda.

Pic: Women Teachers participated in large numbers in the Deeksha

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