
Telangana representation at Independence day Celebrations, London

The UK – High Commission of India organised a special event to celebrate India’s Independence Day. The celebration took place at the Indian Gymkhana Club, London on Aug 24th Sunday 2014.

Indian High commissioner to UK Mr. Ranjan Mathai Hoisted the flag followed by National Anthem, Later in his message he appreciated entire Indian Community living in UK for keeping the Indian spirit and carrying the culture, tradition. Also he re-iterated quoting the messages of Indian President and Prime Minister gave on the occasion of Independence day at Delhi.

Mr. Ranjan Mathai specially appreciated TeNF for being part of this event and representing Telangana a new baby of India.

Around 10,000 plus guests attended this event belongs to different regions of India and also many stalls were kept to represent respective regions and NRI organisaitons.

Telangana Nri Forum(TeNF) got an opportunity to represent Telangana, so setup a stall to promote Telangana, our culture, our tradition, business opportunities, tourism, food specialities, our leadership and governance.

Also traditional Telangana food is been served to all the guests, which was widely appreciated by all.

TeNF founder member Anil kurmachalam, President – Seeka Chandu Goud, Vice-President Pavitra Reddy Kandi, Advisory & External Relation – Uday Nagaraju, Joint-Secretery – Goli Thirupathi, Event Secretery- Nagesh Reddy, Treasurer – Dontula Venkat Reddy, Ashok Goud Dusari, Rangu Venkat, Goli Suman, Vani were among those who attended this event.

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