The Cyber Crime Analysis and Profiling System (CYCAPS) created by the Telangana Intelligence Police to nab cyber criminals looting bank accounts is bearing fruit.
The technology, developed by the Telangana Police based on the Citizen Financial Cyber Fraud Reporting and Management System (CFCFRMS) brought by the Center, is being used by Telangana and eight other states. CYCAPS already has profiles of 3,13,006 cybercriminals nationwide. Of these, 2,952 were arrested by police in various states. Cybercrime toll-free numbers 15260, Dial 100, Dial 112, and cybercrime cases as well as the National Cybercrime Reporting Portal (NCRP) data are being updated daily on the portal.
Telangana police have stored the data of cybercriminals at the national level. For this, the Telangana Cyber Crime Coordination Center (T4C) system has been set up to serve at Cyberabad Police Commissionerate.
With the information gathered from 120 cybercriminals arrested across the country, it cracked 28,000 cybercrime cases across the country.
With the help of CYCAPS technology, cybercriminals’ data is collected and coded, and in real-time they locate their camping areas and map them as hotspots. It gives a blue code to the scene of cybercrime and a red code to arrest cases. Police in other states can also log in to CYCAPS to find out hotspot information. Areas, where cybercriminals live, can be monitored. Which criminal, by what phone number, cheated when he clicked on the hotspot? In which state and in which region was the case registered? The Telangana Intelligence Division has already compiled data on hotspots where cybercrimes are taking place in all states across the country. Police in other states has also been given the opportunity to update their information on this.
During the last six months, there have been 45,893 complaints of financial fraud, with the victims losing nearly Rs 96 crore from Telangana alone. Of these, the police were to stop Rs six crore from going out of bank accounts. Nearly two thousand cyber criminals’ bank accounts have been frozen. Developed by the Telangana Police, this portal is being by police in UP, Odisha, Kerala, Maharashtra, Rajasthan, Delhi, Tamil Nadu, and Jharkhand.
-Gollapudi Srinivasa Rao