
Telangana Night 2015 and Rashtra Avirbhava Utsavalu

“Telangana Night 2015” held on May 09, 2015 was a great success with tremendous turnout and response. We had biggest ever gathering of Telangana families and friends in Greater Toronto Area with more than 600 enthusiastic participants. The event started off with lamp lighting, Ganesh pooja / dance, India & Canada National anthems followed by a two minute silence in honor of the Telangana martyrs. A distinct Telangana flavor highlighted right from the beginning to the end of the event and it was indeed a grand way to start our organization’s 1st Telangana Night after achieving separate state. We thank Rasamayi Balakishan, Patkuri Bhasanth Reddy, TDF Global leaders and TDF, Canada city chapter leaders for being the guests of honour for the event.

The event was filled with lot of song and dance programs from several local Telangana participants including children. The main attraction of the evening was “Bathukamma”, “Bonalu” dance performances and Rasamayi’s folk songs enthralled the audience. Authentic Telangana dinner with many traditional dishes was also served at the event. On a charity side, TDF, Canada collaborated with Canadian Red cross and raised around $2000.0 for Nepal earth quake victim and Canada Government matched the funds.

Organizing committee extends its vote of thanks to several sponsors, volunteers, cultural participants and each and every one who helped in organizing the event successfully. We greatly appreciate their contributions, efforts and dedication towards making fellow Telanganites happy and keeping the essence of Telangana alive in Canada. The success is measured by everyone’s active participation and your happiness; we thought that we met our goal by looking at the enthusiastic participation of women and smile on children’s faces. We will continue to organize and celebrate Telangana cultural events with your continued support in the future.

Established in 2005, TDF, Canada is a federally registered not-for-profit organization formed by the Telangana Non Resident Indians (TNRIs) living in Canada to preserve the cultural identity and contribute to its development. TDF, Canada is formed to provide a dais for literary, cultural, educational, social and developmental activities in Canada and as well as in the state of Telangana, India.

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