
Telangana fares better than national average in many parameters

The youngest state of the nation – Telangana is now a torchbearer. In just eight and half years after the formation, the state has outperformed many big states and positioned itself in a better position compared to many states.

The per-capita income of Telangana in 2014-15 was Rs. 1,12,162 which now increased to Rs. 3,17,115 in 2022-23. On the other hand, the per-capita income of the country stands at Rs. 1,70,620, which means Telangana’s PCI is 86% more than the national average.

The increase in per-capita power consumption is an indicator of the progress of any state or country. In this parameter too, Telangana fared better than the national average by over 69%. The per-capita power consumption of Telangana has risen from 1,356 units in 2014-15 to 2,126 units in 2021-22. The national average for the same is 1,255 units.

Between 2015-16 and 2021-22, the growth rate of Gross Value Added by agriculture and allied sectors at constant prices in India is 4%. But Telangana grew at 7.4% in the corresponding period. 

In addition, the average annual GSDP growth rate of the State from 2014-15 to 2019-20 had increased by 13.2%. In the same period, the growth rate of the country’s GDP was at 10.2%. 

With unprecedented growth rates across sectors, Telangana is now a role-model state for the nation. The schemes and programs of the state are receiving wide recognition and getting emulated in many states.

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