
Talk on ‘Industrial Policy of TS’ Today

Telangana government’s newly announced industrial policy is all set to be introduced to the representatives of all the states and several major industry bodies at the Centre for Economic and Social Studies (CESS)’ national level seminor on Friday, the organisers said.

This will be a unique platform where the representatives from all states will discuss their industrial policies with each other, Prof S Galab, Director of CESS, said here on Thursday. The two-day seminar to be held on CESS campus on Friday and Saturday will feature debates on different aspects of the new industrial policy of Telangana.

Delegates from across the country and some representatives from Japan and Thailand are also expected to attend the seminar.

‘’It is a good opportunity for the Telangana government to observe the experiences of young states like Uttarakhand, Jharkhand and Chhattisgarh with their new industrial policies,’’ Galab said. A report will be made based on all the recommendations and suggestions made by the participants in the seminar and it will be submitted to the state government. The government can adopt some of the best practices from other states as well, he further added.

IT minister KT Rama Rao, industries minister Jupally Krishna Rao and special chief secretary for industries, K Pradeep Chandra will attend some of the sessions.

Source: The New Indian Express

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