
T-Cong leaders ready to mortgage Hyd

This is really alarming news for Telangana people. Telangana Congress leaders, who’ve never really stood in the forefront of the statehood movement, are now bending over backwards to appease their highcommand.

A delegation of T-Cong leaders led by Palvai Goverdhan Reddy, has given their acceptance to keep Greater Hyderabad Municipal Corporation (GHMC) in Union Government’s hands.

The delegation consisted of Suryapet MLA Ramreddy Damodar Reddy and Aler MLA Boodida Bikshmaiah Goud.

Sadly, these leaders never participated actively in the movement, but are showing undue haste in mortgaging the interests of Telangana people.

Telangana movement leadership and people should be vigilant about such spineless leaders, who are ready to accept to any condition imposed by the Seemandhras and Union Government.

Keeping Hyderabad under central administration is a serious insult to Telangana people. If union government controls law and order, revenue, land administration and education sectors in Hyderabad, then what are we left with? Why should Telangana government accept such meaningless conditions on their capital city? There is no precedent of union government controlling all the vital departments in the capital city of a state. We should immediately reject any such move made by UPA bosses.

A serious warning needs to be given to all these self-proclaimed leaders that they would face dire consequences if they give any concessions to Delhi on behalf of Telangana people.

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