
Shocking: Nagabhairava Jayaprakash Narayan’s sinister conspiracy to stall Telangana exposed!

By: Konatham Dileep

First things first. The “magical formula” that Nagabhairava Jayaprakash Narayan (NJP) and his disciples have been tom-tomming from past two days is actually a poison pill for Telangana. Hidden deep inside the NJP formula is a sinister conspiracy to separate Hyderabad from Telangana and also to stall Telangana formation completely.

NJP, his disciples and the Seemandhra media houses are cleverly hiding the most important part of his “magical formula”. A close study of NJP’s “formula” reveals shocking recommendations that are aimed at strangulating Telangana aspirations.

Here is the most important recommendation of Nagabhairava Jayaprakash Narayana on the AP State Reorganization Bill 2013:

– To amend Indian Constitution and incorporate Article 371K for administration of Hyderabad

In short, Lok Satta chief is saying separate Hyderabad from Telangana and administer it like a Union Territory!

See what NJP wrote in his note to Assembly Speaker:

The idea of converting Hyderabad into a special administrative region or a Union Territory is nothing new. Several Seemandhra leaders have brought forward this demand umpteen times in the past decade.

But what is shocking is that neither Nagabhairava Jayaprakash Narayana nor his social media disciples are talking about this most important and crucial piece of recommendation. On the contrary, they are blatantly lying that their ‘magical formula’ says Hyderabad should belong to Telangana.

See what one LSP follower says on YouTube:

From past two days the offline and online media is buzzing with the “magical formula’ proposed by Nagabhairava Jayaprakash Narayana  and Lok Satta party.

The disciples of Nagabhairava have been putting out teaser advertisements about the so-called “magical formula” on social media from past one week. NJP himself has been telling media that he has finally found a magical pill that will satisfy people of all regions.

But after carefully reading through the amendments proposed by Nagabhairava Jayaprakash Narayana, it is clear that this “magical formula” is actually a sinister conspiracy to stall Telangana.

Why do I call this a conspiracy?

1) Seemandhra leaders have time and again stated that creation of Telangana needs amendment to Article 371D of Constitution. Since UPA government does not have the 2/3rds majority needed for amending Constitution, they say Telangana formation is not possible.

NJP recommends bringing a new Article 371K to control Hyderabad city. How would UPA government get the necessary 2/3rds majority for amending Constitution now? Isn’t this a clear conspiracy to stall Telangana somehow?

2) People of Telangana have made it clear several times that they would not accept any conditions on Hyderabad. How will they accept imposing Article 371K on Hyderabad and converting it into a semi-Union Territory? How is this a win-win formula?

3) And most importantly will Nagabhairava Jayaprakash Narayana or his LSPtards explain why they are deliberately hiding this most important recommendation in their speeches, press releases and social media posts?

Watch NJP’s Assembly speech here. In his 90 minute speech, which the LSPtards are sharing extensively on Social Media, there is NO mention of Article 371K!

Read LSP’s official press release here. Again not a word about Article 371K

Why are you lying that Hyderabad will go to Telangana according to your formula? instead why are you focusing on Rayalaseema issues, as if that is the only thing in your “magical formula”

I have always maintained that Nagabhairava Jayaprakash Narayan is a much bigger threat to Telangana than all the Samaikyandhra leaders put together. This retired IAS officer is the main architect behind the December 23rd 2009 statement. Whatever he speaks outwardly, his actions in the past have proved beyond doubt that he is one of the chief conspirators to stall Telangana.

The latest draamabaazi by Nagabhairava and his LSPtards has only proved that these guys will stoop to any length to cheat the people of Telangana.

Shame on you guys!


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