
Riots are orchestrated by vested interests: COVA

[Press release by COVA Network]

We the representatives of different religious faiths and social organisations strongly condemn the dastardly bout of violence let loose on the hapless residents of Saidabad and Madannapet areas of Hyderabad and are gravely saddened by injuries inflicted on innocent people and damage to property. We express our heartfelt condolences and sympathies for the families of the injured and for those who have suffered loss of property.

At the outset we want to set the record straight by asserting that these should not be termed as communal riots between Hindus and Muslims but destructive violence instigated by vested groups to divert the agenda and attention of the people for specific political interests. Similar orgies of violence have been witnessed in the past in Hyderabad and other parts of Andhra Pradesh and the country perpetrated in the name of religion and devastating mostly the poor and innocent members of both communities.

We call upon people to remember the recent riots of March- April 2010 in Hyderabad effectively used to sidetrack the peaking Telangana agitation and the most devastating riots of Hyderabad witnessed from September 1990 to January 1991 that led to the unseating of the then Chief Minister of Andhra Pradesh – due to the unrelenting orchestrated violence passed off as communal riots between Hindus and Muslims that stopped abruptly and mysteriously the moment Dr. M. Chenna Reddy submitted his resignation.

We urge people, especially the youth, not to fall prey to rumours, instigations and machinations of vested political interests but direct all their efforts and resources to maintaining harmony and frustrating the nefarious designs of forces bent on creating communal divides with ulterior motives.

We also demand:

1. The government should take all steps to prevent recurrence of violence and bring back total normalcy and peace immediately

2. Institute Judicial Enquiry to ascertain and expose the culprits and forces behind all the incidences to instigate communal disturbances and riots in the State in the past two years

3. Institute a Special Investigation Team and establish Fast Track Courts to try and punish all those responsible directly and covertly

4. A compensation of Rs. 5 lakhs to all those killed, 2 lakhs to the injured and full and complete compensation within 3 months for all the property loss and damage.

Mazher Hussain [COVA]
Vithal Rao [Arya Samaj]
Bro. Verghese [Montfort Brothers]
Jeevan Kumar [Human Rights Forum]
Omim Debara [Parsi and Zoarashtrian Anjuman]
M. Mandal [HSHT]
Qadir Zaman [Hum Sab Hindustani]
Veda Kumar [Forum for Better Hyderabad]
Ramakrishna Raju [NAPM]

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