
No force on earth can stop Telangana: KCR

TRS supremo K Chandrasekhar Rao expressed confidence that the Telangana statehood process has reached a decisive stage and no force can stop it now.

KCR was speaking at the inaugural function of Telangana Gazetted Officers Bhavan at Nampally today.

“Let’s not get into a panic or confusion due to the Seemandhra leadership’s actions and Seemandhra media’s false reporting. We will accept only a Telangana consisting of 10 districts with Hyderabad as its capital. We won’t accept any other riders” stated KCR.

He also said that Telangana people would allow the Andhra capital to reside in Hyderabad on a temporary basis – until the Andhra state builds its own capital. He said “we won’t behave like Tamils, who asked the Andhras to leave within a day”.   KCR urged the Telangana people to be vigilant at this crucial stage. He said the Seemandhra leaders would continue to hatch conspiracies on Hyderabad city.


TJAC Chairman Prof Kodandaram said it is the responsibility of Telangana Congress leaders to pressurize their party highcommand and ensure that the statehood bill is passed at the earliest.

Senior BJP leader Vidyasagar Rao, TRS Secretary General K Keshav Rao, TRS leader Harish Rao, Employee leaders Deviprasad, Srinvias Goud and Vithal were among those present. —

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