
Mr KCR’s efforts bear another fruit.

The Switzerland-based International Seed Testing Authority (ISTA) has recognised the newly set up Telangana Seed Testing Authority (TSTA), the second in the government sector to secure international recognition in the country.

This will pave way for seed exports from the state and increase seed production in the days to come.

A group of experts from Switzerland-based ISTA visited the TSTA, conducting various tests and analysis and inspected infrastructure at the TSTA. On satisfying with the standards set up there, they accorded the international status to Telangana centre. There are a total of 130 seed testing labs in government sector and 50 notified labs in the private sector. Only eight of them got recognition from ISTA and of the two belonged to the government sector. Telangana Seed Testing Authority is one among the two in government sector.

Agriculture minister S Niranjan Reddy opined that this will pave way for seed testing and export from Telangana in the future. The lab will study seeds produced here for their moisture content, physical and genetic purity before permitting them for export to other countries. The farmers in the state will be trained regularly on the seed production and testing aspects.

He said the International Seed Conference held under the aegis of UNO and Food and Agricultural Organisation (FAO) recognised the Telangana state as seed bowl in the past.


By Gollapudi Srinivasa Rao

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