Minister for Information Technology and Panchayat Raj K.T. Rama Rao has plans to meet industry leaders and potential investors, besides attending a series of meetings in Washington DC, New York, Pittsburgh, Dallas and Bay Area during his visit to the USA for two weeks, starting May 5.
According to the Minister’s office, the objective of his visit is to invite investments into Telangana, particularly in the IT, pharmaceutical, electronics, aerospace and defence sectors. The Minister is expected to call on technological and industrial giants and non-resident Indians interested in investing in their motherland. He will also attend a dinner along with the Indian Ambassador to the US, Arun K. Singh. Further, the Minister will interact with people from Telangana and solicit their partnership in making ‘Bangaru Telangana’ a reality. During his interactions with potential investors, the Minister will highlight the advantages of investing in Telangana. Telangana IT Secretary Jayesh Ranjan will accompany him.
Source: The Hindu