
KTR extends a helping hand to a deaf girl who won six chess medals

KTR extends a helping hand to a deaf girl who won six chess medals when the Punjab government turned blind eye to her.

The Telangana IT minister K T Rama Rao, who has been immediately extending his helping hand wherever needed, has once again come up with a rarer gesture. He expressed his readiness to help finan cially a deaf girl who has achieved medals at many international chess competitions.

Ms Malika Handa from Punjab has won six medals at the World and Asian Championships. She has had many successes internationally in chess in Def Sports competitions. The girl won the National Chess Championship seven times nationally.

The Punjab government did not provide any financial assistance to Malika, who won so many medals and awards and brought laurels to the state. Officials are avoiding the fact stating that the government has no policy regarding Def Sport. Ms Malika, who did not know what to do with this, made a video expressing her anger and pain in sign language. This post came to the notice of Telangana State IT, Municipal, and Industries Minister KTR. ‘Tell us the details of this young champion. I will personally do my best to help,” Mr KTR tweeted.

To this end, the minister’s office staff contacted Malika Handa’s family members. Malika’s family members hailed and thanked KTR, a distant Telangana minister, for coming forward to help their daughter from Punjab.

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