Konda Vishweshwar Reddy, who is the sitting MP and the Congress party candidate from Chevella constituency is facing a tough fight in this election. In 2014, he won Chevella seat on TRS ticket and had switched loyalties to Congress in 2018.
What seems unusual is that none of the star campaigners from Congress party is campaigning for Vishweshwar Reddy in Chevella.
Vishweshwar Reddy seems to have the support of a few Congress leaders at village and Mandal, however, the absence of senior party men is clearly seen in his election rallies and meetings.
To add to this, the former Home Minister and senior Congress leader from the region, Sabitha Indra Reddy and her son Karthik Reddy joined TRS party along with other Congress leaders from Chevella region.
While Vishweshwar Reddy continues to campaign, giving high-fives to the people, his opponent and TRS MP candidate Dr. Ranjit Reddy is attracting crowds with his speeches at his roadshows.
On the other hand, TRS Working President KTR is strongly campaigning for Ranjit Reddy. He has already attended roadshows and public meetings along with Mr. Ranjit in Chevella constituency.
Will Vishweshwar Reddy manage to convert his “high-fives” into votes is something which time has to answer.