
KCR to meet Modi today

Chief minister K Chandrasekhar Rao is slated to meet Prime Minister Narendra Modi in Delhi on Monday.

The chief minister arrived in the national capital on Sunday to attend Amit Shah’s son’s wedding reception. He has got an appointment with Modi at 5.30 pm on Monday.

Sources said KCR would request central funding for the government’s flagship schemes, including revitalization of water bodies and piped drinking water to all households. Sources said the chief minister would also invite Modi for the launch of Mission Kakatiya lake rejuvenation scheme.

KCR will also meet Union water resources minister Uma Bharati and urge her to grant national project status to the Pranahita-Chevella lift irrigation project.

From Delhi, KCR will fly to Mumbai on Tuesday where he is scheduled to meet Maharashtra chief minister Devendra Fadnavis. The two chief ministers are expected to discuss irrigation projects common to their states and try to arrive at a consensus on several issues.

Source: Times of India

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