
KCR to Give PowerPoint Presentation in Assembly

By: V. V. Balakrishna

Chief minister K Chandrashekar Rao is all set to don the role of an engineer in the forthcoming Assembly session.

As announced by Rao himself recently, he is likely to give a PowerPoint slide show presentation in the Assembly on the proposed re-engineering and redesigning of irrigation projects in Telangana.

Amid strong protests from the opposition parties over the move to change the design of some projects and re-engineer some others, Rao himself will explain the status of the irrigation sector to the legislators on the floor of the House. “The chief minister has made up his mind to give a PowerPoint presentation. We are making arrangements for it,” sources in the irrigation department told Express. According to sources, Rao is likely to use Google Earth maps in his presentation. A screen will be put up in the House for the purpose.

According to the sources, the redesigning and re-engineering plans are yet to be finalised. “Most of the work is over but some final changes in the plans will take place after the irrigation department receives data from the ongoing LIDAR survey. Redesigning and re-engineering will be carried out basing on the LIDAR survey,” the sources said. But, the survey is getting delayed due to the recent rains in Karimnagar and other districts.

LIDAR (Light Detection and Ranging) is remote-sensing method to examine the surface of the earth.

“The survey report will not be ready before the Assembly session. But, the chief minister is unlikely to wait till he gets it. He will explain the tentative plans for re-engineering and redesigning of the projects to the Assembly, the sources added.

Sources said the survey had been completed in a stretch of 85 km. “Due to rains in the last three days, the survey was stopped and it will resume once the weather is clear,” the sources said. According to information, survey on the Kaleswaram-Indravati, Medigadda-Indravati and Kaleswaram-Pranahita stretches has been completed and remains to be undertaken on the Kanthanapalli-Indravathi, Icchampalli- Medigadda and Medigadda-Yellampalli stretches.

The LIDAR survey, costing Rs 2.50 crore, was launched on September 8. As per the agreement the survey has to be completed in 15 days after 8 flying days. Though the flying days will remain eight days, the survey period will be extended due to bad weather.

Cabinet Meet Today

The state cabinet will meet here on Saturday to discuss the strategy to be adopted in the Assembly session which will commence on September 23. As the entire opposition is up in arms against the government on various issues including farmers’ suicides, redesigning of irrigation projects and payment of bills to Indiramma housing contractors, the treasury benches are preparing themselves to weather the opposition’s onslaught. The cabinet will also finalise modalities for the two-bedroom flats housing programme and some other subject.

Source: The New Indian Express

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