
KCR & Harish transform a dream into reality

Photo: TRS MLA T Harish Rao is elated on seeing the gushing water from Akkinapally Check Dam

This story proves how committed and visionary leaders can transform Telangana within a short span of time. This is a story, which proves how easy it is to convert the impossible into possible.

Gatla Malyala village in Siddipet Assembly constituency was like any other Telangana village – always desperate for water. This village had a scarcity of both drinking and irrigation water.

When Kalvakuntla Chandrasekhar Rao won as an MLA from Siddipet, he immediately brought the villagers of Gatla Malyala together and they toiled for one month and repaired the road to nearby villages. KCR himself participated in the road repair works.

The local villagers then told KCR about their water woes. They also informed him about a stream named Pedda Vaagu, which flows nearby. The only problem was that Pedda Vaagu flows only during the rainy season. The stream had a length of 18 Kms and traversed through Nangunur Mandal.

Photo: Harish Rao walking in Pedda Vaagu waters at Akkinapally Check Dam

To increase the water-table in the area, KCR planned for a series of six check dams on Pedda Vaagu. The first one was started at Ghanpuram village.

After KCR left Siddipet constituency, Harish Rao took over as MLA of this constituency. The villagers of Gatla Malyala told him about the check dam plan originally envisaged by KCR. Harish Rao then took interest in the project and got Rs 18 Crores released for it.

Harish Rao himself supervised the construction at every stage. He ensured that the construction quality was maintained.

The process of building check dams on Peda Vaagu was completed recently. And the recent rains have filled up all the six check dams.

Today, all these check dams are brimming with water. The water level of borewells and wells in the vicinity has improved. Many dried up wells and borewells have also got recharged.

Photo: Harish Rao touches water flowing at Akkinapally Check Dam

Photo: Harish Rao talking to local farmers at Akkinapally Check Dam

Overnight, these check dams have become a tourist attraction as hundreds of villagers from neighboring mandals are thronging to watch the overflowing water.

TRS MLA Harish Rao, who came to visit the check dam at Akkinapally was overjoyed at seeing the vast expanse of water. He spent a lot of time playing in the gushing waters from the check dam. Harish also spent some time angling and managed to catch a large fish too!

TRS president KCR is also expected to visit these check dams soon.

As soon as Telangana state is formed, measures should be taken by our leadership to repeat the Pedda Vaagu check dam success story in all or districts.


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