Charlotte Telangana group requests you to attend Holi 2012 celebrations. Over 150 families from Telangana attend Charlotte Telangana Holi celebrations every year. There are fun games for kids and families. This is a great chance to connect with the community.
Celebrations Date & Time:
Saturday, March 31 from 11:00 AM to 4:00 PM
Reedy Creek Park, Shelter#3
2900 Rocky River Rd, Charlotte, NC 28215
Charlotte Telangana Association is celebrating Holi, The Festival of Colors on 31st March in a beautiful Reedy Creek Park. Bring your family and friends and join us for bright and colorful day, delectable potluck treats, games, entertainment and much more colors!!! Lets make this Holi one that is filled with fun moments, and colorful memories that will last forever. We are in indoor/outdoor shelter #3, look for directions to shelter #3
Please see the evite at below link and forward to the Telanganites.
To connect with Charlotte area Telanganites, visit