As the government is committed to make Hyderabad a slum-free city there is a greater role for architects to come up with innovative and sustainable designs for providing low-cost housing, Greater Hyderabad Municipal special officer Somesh Kumar has said.
‘’There are about 1,478 slums in the city and 169 lakes. To accommodate maximum number of people in the available area and to save natural bodies like lakes, the focus is now on vertical growth,” said Somesh Kumar speaking at the inauguration of ‘Build Tech show 2014’ here on Friday.
The newly formed Telangana Architects Association (TAA) is organising ‘Build Tech show’ at Zorastrian club with the theme of ‘Livable Telangana – focus on villages, towns, cities’. The show aims to create awareness among pubic, policy makers, engineers, architects and other stakeholders about the prerequisites needed to provide affordable and livable housing to all in the state.
Source: The New Indian Express